Space with stars and blue lights



Whether target-actual comparison with rule-based generated target results, single-case based or regressive. SQACE enables data comparisons and data validations in just a few steps with a wide range of data validation components - manual, exploratory or fully automated.


With SQACE you can create a data comparison in just a few steps without programming. SQACE helps with column mapping and you can easily set keys for the comparison, tolerances, severities and more.

You can see the result of the comparison immediately in a detailed dashboard. It gives you both a statistical overview in numbers and graphics and offers a drilldown into individual deviations. Differences, e.g. in texts, are highlighted in color so that they stand out immediately. You can also comment on deviations directly in the dashboard.

In addition, SQACE offers deviations and other results as result tables in the SQACE Storage. This allows you to easily link and analyze them with other data.

The target/actual comparison is suitable for:

  • Regression test (comparison with results of a previous release)
  • Comparison with calculated target results
    • Calculation via SQL
    • Calculation without code with the Easy Query
    • Results calculated and provided elsewhere
  • Comparison of any data, simply to detect differences
Cropped ipad shows a green and a blue rocket in a browser window. These describe two operations of a function of the software


In this comparison, a target result is used that is generated automatically from input data using business rules. The business department defines the rules in a structure that makes it easy to convert them into data operations. The implementation can be carried out by business experts themselves using the SQACE low-code features. IT then only has to check the implementation.

Several case distinctions may be necessary to generate a result value. The individual cases form relevant equivalence classes (classes of which it is sufficient to test one representative). SQACE shows in the dashboard and in the result data how many data rows have been tested for each case and determines the coverage (number of rules with data rows from the input / number of all rules).

With this method you can define tests at a very high level with precise coverage statements in a very short time.

Cropped laptop shows tables in browser window


The single-case-based target-actual comparison is an automated form of the manual procedure in which results for individual data constellations are compared with expected results. For example: customers of different customer groups with their orders of articles and the discounts determined by the system.
Certain data constellations often have the same structure, consisting of one or more entities that are linked to each other.

The data constellations can be entered and adjusted directly in SQACE via a user-friendly interface. With little or sometimes no IT effort (if the structures remain the same), SQACE then executes these test cases automatically and documents them for the test management system.

Cropped ipad shows comparison tables

SQACE bietet dir viele No-/Low-Code Komponenten, um Daten ganz einfach zu validieren. Beispielsweise zum Prüfen von

  • Wertebereichen und Datenformaten
  • Geschäftsregeln und zugesicherte Eigenschaften
  • Fremdschlüssel-Beziehungen
  • Schlüsseleindeutigkeiten
  • Datensatzanzahlen
  • einzelnen Datensätzen

SQACE macht die Validierung von Daten zum Kinderspiel, für Datenqualitätsprüfungen in kürzester Zeit.

With SQACE you can start immediately on the data. This way you get to know them quickly and can create and run the first tests immediately. This enables exploratory data testing with immediate results. You can easily transfer the exploratory data tests into an automated solution, where you can even quickly parameterize or adapt tests.

SQACE enables an agile approach, in which test automation is first put into production as quickly as possible with a few tests and then successively expanded to the desired level of coverage.

The adaptation of the test automation for new releases of the DUT is also carried out in an agile manner. SQACE supports this with built-in versioning, so that it is always possible to see what has been tested and how.

Pink, turquoise, blue blury background



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